In the world of investment, economic indicators hold great importance as their release can instantly and dramatically impact the Forex market. These indicators can be categorized into three main types: leading, coincident, and lagging. Leading indicators are believed to change before the economy does, providing insights into potential future developments. Coincident indicators … [Read more...] about Key Economic Events in Forex Trading
Trading Articles
10 Trading Affirmations for a Successful Trading Day
The proper mindset is crucial for achieving your trading goals. Without it, success remains elusive. To become truly successful, you must take control of the thoughts in your mind. Dwelling on negativity and letting fear dominate your thinking will only lead you astray. This article aims to provide you with a powerful tool to begin each trading day with the right mindset. As … [Read more...] about 10 Trading Affirmations for a Successful Trading Day
Can Inaction Sometimes Hold the Key to Success in Forex Trading?
There always seem to be a mad rush amongst Forex traders to find out a single magic bullet or a golden key that (according to them) would double up as the solution to all of their Forex trading problems. And then they could not be blamed as well, because the markets are choc-a-block with people selling and peddling all sorts of magic wands like indicator info, tutorials, inside … [Read more...] about Can Inaction Sometimes Hold the Key to Success in Forex Trading?
6 Secrets About Forex Trading That Were Kept Hidden From You
In the business world, every niche has a pretty public face and then a not-so-pretty (sometimes ugly) face that is swept below the carpet; far from the prying eyes of the masses and competitors and investors. Well, it should not come as a surprise to you if I say that something similar keeps happening all the time in the Forex trading world as well. No matter how cock-sure … [Read more...] about 6 Secrets About Forex Trading That Were Kept Hidden From You
9 Keys to Lucrative Forex Trading
When you are speaking about Forex trading, it’s always about the money. Who would want to lose money? That too, when the stuff you are trading itself is money. Without much ado, let us chase right to the point and try to learn about squeezing maximum profits out of our Forex trading. Here are 9 keys to open the locks to lucrative Forex trades: 1) Focus on Quality rather … [Read more...] about 9 Keys to Lucrative Forex Trading